A History of Giving

Since the Foundation stone was first laid in 1872, Xavier College has benefited from the generosity of many donors, enabling the construction of our magnificent heritage buildings, and providing wonderful facilities for our students. 

We remember with gratitude all our benefactors and share the stories of some of those whose support has contributed to the College in a variety of ways.

Patrick Loftus-Hills (OX 1984)

With a love for music, Patrick expressed an interest in providing an opportunity for students to develop their musical abilities at the College. As a result of his generous donation, we were able to offer the Loftus-Hills Family Music Scholarships which enabled four boys to attend Xavier to pursue their musical studies.

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Matthew Cody (OX 1913)

Having graduated in 1913, Matthew Cody was one of our earlier benefactors. Matthew left a quarter of the residue of his Estate to the Society of Jesus with the intention that it be used to provide a bursary to a student who may not have otherwise been able to attend Xavier. The Matthew Cody Bursary perpetuates Matthew’s interest in the providing an opportunity to receive a Jesuit education and has benefited many students over the years.

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Eric Phillips (OX 1922)

On Saturday 19 March 1983, a new 1st VIII rowing shell was blessed and christened at the Xavier Boatshed. We were fortunate to have with us Mr. Eric Phillips after whom the boat was named. Eric maintained an ongoing interest in Xavier during his lifetime and donated over $100,000 to the Foundation. 

Jesuit College


T M Burke

In 1920, T M Burke purchased Studley Hall for £5600 (equivalent of over $450,000 today) and presented the property to Archbishop Daniel Mannix, who in turn donated it to the Jesuits. Two years later, Mr Burke provided funds for a new block of classrooms, and some years later his wife donated the Chapel in memory of her brother. The Burke Hall Campus in Kew continues to proudly carry the Burke name, acknowledging the enormous contribution made by the family.


Margaret Tutton (sister of Betty Ryan)

In 2020, the Xavier College Foundation received the largest single bequest in its recent history when the Margaret Littledale Tutton Trust donated an amount of more than $14 million. In addition, Margaret, her brother John K Tutton (OX 1931), and her sister Betty Ryan have also contributed generously to enable the redevelopment of the Senior Campus Science facilities and the new learning Hub which were completed in late 2019. The impact of their generosity will be felt by Xaverians for generations to come.


Charles Rigg (OX 1883)

Charles attended Xavier College from 1881 to 1883 and continued to be involved with the College until shortly before his death in 1950.During this time, Charles was a great supporter and benefactor for the College, and both the Old Xaverians’ Football Club and Cricket Club. Charles made provisions for the entirety of his estate to be given to Xavier College which was used to fund the construction of what is ow known as the Rigg Wing. His generosity has left a lasting legacy from which generations of students will benefit.

Edward Marron, DFC (OX 1936)

Edward Marron was Captain of the College and Captain of the Boats in 1936 and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross during World War II for his bravery in action. His love for the College and for music resulted in Edward bequeathing $100,000 in 1990 which was to be used to fund scholarships for music studies and to maintain and upgrade instrumental equipment at the College. The Marron Hall, where the Music Department is located, now bears his name in memory of his generosity.


Eldon Hogan (OX 1938)

Eldon Hogan ensured that his lifelong loyalty and active participation in the life of the College continued not only in spirit but be perpetuated by an extraordinarily generous benefaction of $4 million. Through the Eldon Hogan Trust and fellow Old Xaverian, trustee Peter Walsh, funds were directed to the construction of the Performing Arts Centre, a Scholarship Fund, an Archives Centre and many other projects.

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John Kearney (OX 1939)

The Steinway & Sons grand piano, currently located in the Eldon Hogan Performing Arts Centre, is an outstanding reminder of the enduring bequests of the late John Kearney QC (OX 1939) and his wife Alison. John Kearney completed his studies at Xavier and went on to study law at the University of Melbourne. He was appointed a QC in 1964 aged 41, the youngest such appointment at the time. The upgrade of the Charles Street Gates was also the result of the joint generosity of Alison and John Kearney and Margaret Tutton, in memory of her brother John Kerr Tutton (OX 1931).

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Betty Ryan wife of John (Jack) Ryan (OX 1929)

The Science facilities at the Senior Campus are named “The John & Betty Ryan Science Wing” to honour the late Betty Ryan’s great generosity to the College. In recent years, the College has been supported by Betty Ryan through the Jean Elizabeth (Betty) Ryan Trust for many projects including the new Learning Hubs completed at the end of 2019. Prior to her death, Betty also donated the eagle lectern in the Xavier College Memorial Chapel, in loving memory of her husband John.

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John Crosbie (OX 1937)

John Crosbie’s generous bequest allowed for the construction of both the three-storey classroom block named in his honour in 1987 and the multipurpose room named in memory of Fr James Hawkins SJ. John was a regular supporter omf Xavier sporting activities throughout his life, and the importance of the bequest by this wonderful Old Xaverian cannot be overstated.


James (OX 1928) and Rita André

The André Family have been stalwarts of the College for many years, beginning with their donation to support the building of the Memorial Chapel in 1928. James was boarder from Ballarat who came to Xavier in 1924 and was a member of the first crew to win the Head of the River in 1928. Following James’ death, his widow Rita has continued to support the College through providing funds for the new Science Building and the Performing Arts Centre, the establishment of a boarding and general excellence scholarship, the provision of a rowing prize and the purchase of a rowing eight.

Xavier College has a long and proud history of generous benefactors who in gratitude for their own or a relative's education at the College, have seen fit to make provision for Xavier in their wills. The generosity has contributed to make Xavier the place it is today. Many students who would not otherwise have been able to attend Xavier, together with all other students, have enjoyed and been the recipients of this generosity. Over the years, facilities and buildings have been erected and refurbished due to our donors' love and thanks for their education at Xavier. Their generosity is a true reflection of their being 'men and women for others' and leaves a fine example to others who may find themselves in a position to follow this legacy. Xavier remains grateful for all donations and continues to strive to educate young men in faith and service to go out into the world and to serve the wider community once they leave Xavier College. 

If you would like to stand with us and our generous benefactors, please call the Foundation Office on (03) 9815 4542