Our Expeditions

We believe that learning inside the classroom is only half the equation. To truly understand something, students must experience it. That’s where Expeditions come in. 

At Xavier, an Expedition is defined as ‘a journey with a purpose’. From connecting closely to our local environment to exploring far away places, Expeditions are experiences that are tailor made to unlock understanding and broaden students perspectives on the world around them. 

All Expeditions are guided by these 7 principles…

Student Centred
Authentic and Inspiring Experiences
Culturally Connected
Sustainably Active
Curriculum Supported
Operationally Effective

We seek to achieve…

EXPEDITIONS seek to challenge convention and to be bold in our endeavours.
EXPEDITIONS seek to bring the ASPIRE graduate qualities to life.
EXPEDITIONS seek to captivate and form the head, heart and hands.
EXPEDITIONS seek to transport classroom learning to the real world.
EXPEDITIONS seek to explore, discover and care for our Common Home.

Our Expeditions


As a College, we are seeking to break new ground in the area Experiential Learning. We have reimagined and developed our Experiential Learning across the entire College. But all great adventures need a map. This is ours…


Kindergarten – PLAY – Extraordinary learning in extraordinary settings.

With the development of reimagined nature play spaces at the Junior School, our kindergarten immerse themselves in nature every day. Our program encourages children to observe the world around them and by experiencing it directly opens their senses and cognitive function in ways that learning indoors cannot achieve - exploring, learning and playing.

Prep to Year 2 – DISCOVER – Experience more. Learn more. Be more. 

Intrinsically linked with what they are learning in the classroom, students have timetabled Outdoor Learning Lessons with specialist Outdoor Learning teachers. Come rain, hail or shine, students our out discovering, experiencing and learning more. Learning in and with nature.

Year 3 and Year 4 – SPARK – Spark Curiosity. Ignite Learning. 

At the heart of the SPARK program is the unique narrative of ‘A Story of a River’. All of the experiences at this stage have a tangible link to the Yarra River which meanders past our Burke Hall Campus. Continuing with their regular specialist Outdoor Learning classes, our students explore and build a close connection with our locals lands and waters – from single day Expeditions to multiday camps.


Year 5 and 6 – GROW – You are the seed. We are the gardeners. This is the garden.
Burke Hall is fertile soil. This program has been designed to explicitly encourage our students to grow. As part of the GROW program, we explore a board range of themes. In Year 5 we examine concepts such as being ‘Planted’ in a new place and developing ‘Support Structures’ during various experiences including a multiday camp in the Rubicon Valley, near Eildon. In Year 6, we explore topics of ‘Maturing’ and building resilience during ‘Stormy Weather’. This culminates in a 6 day Expedition to Canberra and the Kosciuszko National Park with every student summiting the roof of Australia to ‘Florish and Celebrate’.



Year 7 and 8 – EXPLORE – Explore Within. Explore Others. Explore our World. Explore Beyond. 

Design specifically for students in Year 7 and 8, the Explore provides a vast array of experiences for students to explore the ‘map of life’. We know this can be a challenging time in the life of our students. At the heart of the Explore program is the ASPIRE compass, a practical and dynamic model to assist students to reorient themselves if they get lost and to set a new direction. Including in this program are signature Victorian Expeditions including a river journey on the Dunghala/Murray River and adventuring in the Gariwerd/Grampians National Park. 


The aim of the JOURNEY INWARDS/JOURNEY OUTWARDS program is to provide a significant range of challenging real-life learning experiences that introduces our students to new worlds and horizons, that enables learning to come to life, for students to establish rich connections with others and their experiences, such that the culmination of these forces would enable our students to come to know and understand themselves more deeply and to stir in each student rich feelings, questions, insights and passions to be pursued in their years to follow.

To enable the confluence of many rich experiences to be both impactful but to also draw connections and throughlines for learning and life. Impact is created through rich experiences and personal encounter ‘in situ’.
In Year 9 all students head to Central Australia for a 6 day experience to heart of Australia. In Year 10, students head out into various Victorian Landscapes and engage in a number of adventurous activities including bushwalking, rock climbing, white water rafting, mountain biking and many more. 


Year 9 to Year 12 – FRONTIER – Push the Boundaries. Protect the Planet. 

As the name suggests, this program is open to any student the Senior Years with an adventurous spirit and a passion in protecting wild places. Primarily this is a student led program whereby the students identify landscapes to explore, both in Australia and Internationally, and seek ways to promote their protection through a range of initiatives. In essence, ‘Protect your Playground’. 

Come join the adventure. There is a whole world waiting for you to explore…

R U OK? Day
R U OK? Day
Reclink Grand Final Day
Reclink Grand Final Day
Year 9 Central Australia Expedition
Year 9 Central Australia Expedition
You are invited to discover extraordinary